edTPA Three Critical Tips Before Taking the edTPA We interviewed teachers who had recently passed the edTPA, along with some actual edTPA graders, and asked them to share the three most important things they wish they’d known.
edTPA edTPA Uncovered: Sample Submissions that Passed (5 examples) Since 2014, an increasing number of states are requiring teachers to pass the edTPA, a subject-specific performance assessment, for initial certification. We reached out to our candidates and asked for sample submissions.
teachers Foolproof Guide to Becoming a Teacher in Pennsylvania If you're interested in teaching in Philadelphia or Pennsylvania, you'll likely need to be certified! Check out the next installment in our certification series to find out how to become a certified teacher in PA.
teachers Foolproof Guide to Getting Certified in New Jersey If you're a public school teacher interested in working in New Jersey, or you're looking to move there, you will likely need to be certified! Here's a checklist to help keep you on track.
relocating teachers Foolproof Guide to Getting Certified as a Teacher in New York If you're a teacher moving to New York, or you're thinking about moving there, you're going to need to be certified! To help you manage the long certification process, we've put together a checklist to keep you on track.